'The Game'---Class Table, Open House in Davenport
November 2011
Dear Classmates,
For those of you coming to New Haven for The Game on Saturday, we have reserved a Class Table in Alumni Village outside the Bowl. We will begin to gather there mid-morning (10 am) and stay until it is time to go into the Bowl for the kick-off. Please drop by to visit with classmates and enjoy lunch. After the game, we have been invited by our classmate Richard Schottenfeld, Master of Davenport College, to an Open House at the Master's House in Davenport (271 Park St.). We look forward to seeing you.
Andy Kaufman
'71 Class Secretary
Martin Rubin Review of Julian Barnes' 'The Sense of an Ending'
Los Angeles Times, October 20, 2011
Julian Barnes, “The Sense of an Ending.”
New York: Knopf. 163pp. $23.95.
By Martin Rubin
When Evelyn Waugh sent the manuscript of his magnum opus “Brideshead Revisited” to his friend and fellow novelist Nancy Mitford, her response was enthusiastic, except for wishing that his protagonist was less dim and had a little more glamor. But, of course, Waugh was making a conscious artistic decision and Julian Barnes has made a similar choice in his brief novel, which has just won England’s Man Booker Prize. . . .
For Martin's full review, click here or visit latimes.com.
Martin Rubin on Jeffrey Lyons' 'Stories My Father Told Me'
THE WASHINGTON TIMES, September 2, 2011
Jeffrey Lyons, Stories My Father Told Me: Notes from "The Lyons Den." New York: Abbeville Press. $35. 352pp. Illustrated.
Reviewed by Martin Rubin
"For three decades after Leonard Lyons started writing his syndicated column in 1934, many people savored what he had to tell them about the great and famous in 'The Lyons Den.' He seemed to know everyone and had the knack of capturing their personae in prose, giving great enjoyment to millions who somehow felt just a little bit closer to the giants of their age. Some things get even better with time, though, and so it is a great pleasure in our scandal ridden popular culture, rife with nasty gossip, to revisit this selection from Lyons’ columns selected and annotated by his son, Jeffrey Lyons, as well known to television viewers today as his father was to newspaper readers back then. . . ."
For Martin's full review, visit washingtontimes.com.
Paul Angiolillo Sat. Sept. 10 at Codman Estate Show in Lincoln
Paul Angiolillo writes:
I'm going to be showing my work at the Fine Arts and Crafts Festival at the Codman Estate, 34 Codman Road, Lincoln MA, on Sat., Sep. 10, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. I attended the fair years ago and recall it as worthwhile---but then the Codman estate is also a great area for biking and hiking, just about a mile from Walden Pond, Concord, the DeCordova Museum, etc.
Martin Rubin on 'Exorcising Hitler' by Frederick Taylor
Book Review: 'Exorcising Hitler: The Occupation and Denazification of Germany'
Author Frederick Taylor details the trouble the Allied forces had in establishing a new society in the Nazis' country after World War II.
By Martin Rubin
Special to the Los Angeles Times
July 5, 2011
For the German people, unconditional surrender in spring 1945 meant the end of self-government for the foreseeable future. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower minced no words when he announced that the Allied troops were there as conquerors, not liberators. Of course, they were, in fact, both. But, as Frederick Taylor says at the outset of his enthralling book, "Exorcising Hitler: The Occupation and Denazification of Germany," the country, "as it came under Allied control, resembled a blank object, a clean sheet." As far as government, yes, but the Nazis had fouled that sheet, and "Exorcising Hitler" shows just how much messier---politically, socially and economically---things became before they could be cleaned up sufficiently for a new kind of society to take root. . . .
For Martin's full review, click here or visit latimes.com.
Slides from Reunion Health Care Panel
Many thanks to the health care panelists who spoke at our reunion earlier this month---Francine Welty, Brian Strom, Richard Schottenfeld, Jim Rothman, Rob Inman and Howard Dean---and to Alan Yuspeh, who organized and moderated the panel. The panelists who used slides have shared them with us---click on the links below. (Note: These pdf versions have been compressed to meet file upload limitations and are less crisp than the originals.)
Jim Kaplan Lecture June 16 at Fraunces Tavern
Jim Kaplan writes:
To All My Walking Tour Participants and Supporters:
This is to remind you that on June 16 at 6:30 PM, I will be giving a lecture at the Fraunces Tavern Museum on the subject of "A July 4 History of the City of New York". The lecture is intended to mark the debut of an expanded section of my all-night July 4th walking tour, which I will be giving for the 15th year on July 4, 2011 starting at 2 a.m. [Details: Fraunces Tavern - Summer Events 2011 or visit FrauncesTavernMuseum.org.]
Jim Kaplan
40th Reunion Videos from Max Addison
We reminisced not just in conversation but also in song, as reflected in five video clips that Max Addison has posted at http://tinyurl.com/yale1971reunion. Included are:
Whiffenpoof Song (Saturday Night)
Some Guys Have All the Luck (Saturday Night)
Whiffs at Woolsey Hall: My Kind of Girl
Whiffs at Woolsey Hall: Quiet Girl
Bright College Years (Friday Night)
40th Reunion Writeup by Andy Kaufman
We have a sneak peek at Andy Kaufman's writeup on our 40th reunion for the YAM Class Notes:
Great weather, great turnout (some 240 classmates, with overall attendance of approximately 375), and unbridled energy and enthusiasm characterized our 40th Reunion in Branford College. From the opening cocktails and dinner on Thursday evening through the Sunday morning brunch in Commons, we enjoyed a grand event---to quote our classmate Bill Porter, “just the right combination of cerebral, celebratory and ceremonial.” Many thanks to our Reunion Co-chairs, Andy Kaufman and Ruth Lansner, for their tireless efforts over the last year and a half, and to the continuing support of Jennifer Julier ’77, our assigned AYA Assistant Director and her team, without whose help and direction the Reunion would not have been possible.
Our Class Panels were a particular hit among attendees. Moderated by Vera Wells and Susan Yecies, classmates Jean Brenner, Jo Brooks and Ken Freeman discussed for all our benefit many of the personal and professional challenges they have faced in transitioning to retirement from successful careers in law, government and business. Alan Yuspeh moderated the Health Care Panel, featuring presentations by physician classmates Howard Dean, Robert Inman, James Rothman, Richard Schottenfeld, Brian Strom and Francine Welty regarding current clinical and research developments in health care, a comparison of the United States and Canadian health care systems, and some of the policy considerations relating to the political, economic and social debate regarding health care in the United States. The political discussions continued at Saturday’s Panel on Current Political Issues. Led by Kurt Schmoke, classmates Carl Amento, Howard Dean and Barry Scheck addressed the roles of money and partisanship in the current political climate and their predictions regarding the upcoming 2012 elections. Many thanks to the moderators and panelists for their outstanding presentations.
Friday night we hosted our traditional Class Dinner. Ruth Lansner led the Class in a minute of silence to remember the approximately 80 Class members who have passed away. Harry Levitt and Andy Sherman presented AYA Distinguished Service awards to Tim Powell, Susan Yecies, Mitch Garner, Ruth Lansner and Andy Kaufman. Kathy Murphy and Bill Primps announced that our Class had already raised $25,578,512 for our 40th Reunion Gift (the 4th largest 40th Reunion Gift in Yale history), and that additional contributions would be accepted through the end of June. Kudos to Reunion Gift Chairs Gus and Liz Oliver and their Gift Committee for this outstanding achievement. Outgoing Class Secretary Harry Levitt and Class Treasurer Andy Sherman introduced Andy Kaufman and Katy Lewis as their successors, and Andy and Katy presented them with Yale prints on behalf of the Class in recognition of their service. The evening concluded with a performance by our Whiffenpoofs.
On Saturday morning, approximately 40 women in the Class met over breakfast and discussed the ongoing efforts to form a Yale women’s organization. Each briefly updated the group about herself, and Deborah Rothman (deborah [dot] rothman [at] aya [dot] yale [dot] edu) is organizing an e-mail list to facilitate networking among the women in the Class. Women classmates interested in adding their names to the list should contact Deborah directly.
At Saturday’s lunch, we celebrated our Class’ long-standing support of the Calvin Hill Day Care Center. Bill Porter and Kurt Schmoke recognized Connie Shapiro (Bob’s widow) and remembered Bob’s long and enduring leadership on behalf of the Center. Carla Horwitz, the Center’s Director, updated the Class on the Center’s many achievements, and Harry Levitt presented Carla with a plaque naming her an honorary member of our Class.
We enjoyed another set of songs at dinner Saturday evening by our Whiffenpoofs, followed by dancing late into the night with music from our classmate Jay Gitlin’s and wife Ginny Bales’ spectacular band. Symbolic of our Class, they get better each year!
We are assembling a photo gallery of the Reunion for posting to our Class’ website. If you have photos that you would like to submit for consideration, please e-mail them directly to Rick Cech (rcech [at] nyc [dot] rr [dot] com). All submissions should be edited, submitted in digital format only, and if sending Photoshopped items, please also send in original (e.g., RAW) format.
Mary Chitty's Broadway Actress Ancestor
Mary Chitty writes:
I mentioned to people at the reunion that I'd send a link to my website about my great great grandmother the traveling Broadway actress [and single mom] to the class website. She acted in New Haven at least once, but I have no details. Mary Kuhl Chitty
Follow the link below: