The 45th Anniversary Yale College Class of 1971 Survey chronicles our experiences on the Yale campus and beyond. We received more than 300 responses — more than one-quarter of our living classmates, and more than 40% of the people for whom we have current email addresses — a HUGE response to a survey of this nature.  Thanks to all of you who responded — who included many more of us than just those able to attend the reunion — and to those many Class callers who contacted others to drive participation.

Here are some highlights of the survey:  Yale 1971 Survey SHORT 160617

To see the entire 161-page version, click the menu entry under Private Areas on the right.  If you get a “Page Not Found” message, it probably means you are not logged in, or not yet registered to use the site.  If you are a member of the Class of 1971, please register by clicking in the upper right of this page. When your application is approved (which takes a day or two), you will get a password enabling you to use the site.