General News

Update from Chris Conty

Chris Conty wrote to Harry Levitt about his new job, his son about to enter kindergarten, and more: I finally found a job in my field, at age 60, after going 8-1/2 years without a real job (Who needs "new cheese," when my "old cheese" suddenly came back?), 13-1/2 years without one lasting at least…

Rubin on ‘The American Department Store Transformed’

Richard Longstreth, The American Department Store Transformed: 1920-1960. Yale University Press. 352pp. $60. Illustrated. Reviewed by Martin Rubin, The Washington Times, August 12, 2010 This thoughtful, erudite, profoundly knowledgeable and insightful book by a professor of American Studies and…

Prechter/Machcinski Album Hits the Charts

On the radio, and other media: Bob Prechter sends this note about the reissue of "Hot off the Press" on CD: After playing in U.S. 1 East at Yale, Bob Prechter and Vic Machcinski went on to record an album with their band News in 1973. Jeff Fortgang, who founded the band, and Dean Pailler also…

Jim Kaplan’s July 4 Tour in NY Times

Congratulations to Jim Kaplan for a writeup by Clyde Haberman in the New York Times of July 5: "For a 14th straight year, James S. Kaplan spent the Fourth of July walking in the middle of the night among ghosts of the American Revolution. "This is not to be mistaken for fascination with the…

Jim Rothman Wins Kavli Prize

Congratulations to Jim Rothman on winning the Kavli Prize in neuroscience. In a June 3 article on the Yale Daily News Cross Campus website, Carol Hsin writes: "Biomedical sciences, cell biology and chemistry professor James Rothman '71 is a recipient of the prestigious $1 million Kavli Prize in…

Gary Reback Featured in NY Times Article

Gary Reback was featured in a May 21, 2010 New York Times article on Google and antitrust issues: "In the 1990s, Gary Reback, a Silicon Valley lawyer, almost single-handedly brought the antitrust weight of the federal government down on that era’s high-tech heavyweight, Microsoft. Now Mr. Reback…

Alice Young to Speak at Asia Society May 19

We have this press release from Alice Young's firm: Alice Young, Partner and Chair of Kaye Scholer's Asia Pacific practice, will be a panelist at the Asia Society event “Asian Americans Changing the Landscape,” held at the organization’s New York headquarters on May 19, 2010, from 6 – 8 pm.…

Rubin on Jan Morris’ ‘Contact’

Jan Morris, “Contact: A Book of Encounters.” New York: W.W. Norton 202pp. $23.95. Washington Times, April 28, 2010 Reviewed by Martin Rubin Strictly speaking, it is an oxymoron to speak of cities having a personality. Yet it has become a commonplace to use the word not merely for them but for a…

Martin Rubin on ‘Freuds’ War’

WASHINGTON TIMES Friday, March 26, 2010 REVIEWED BY MARTIN RUBIN Helen Fry, Freuds' War. The History Press/Trafalgar Square. 223pp. $29.95 Illustrated. By Martin Rubin It’s not often that a reviewer gets to point out just how the apostrophe is placed in the book’s title, but for those of us who…

Alice Young Honored by NJBIZ

Congratulations to Alice Young on being recognized as one of New Jersey's Best 50 Women in Business for 2010. A press release from Alice's firm gives details: Alice Young, Partner and Chair of the Asia Pacific group at the law firm Kaye Scholer LLP, has been recognized by NJBIZ as one of New…