General News
Rakesh Mohan Named to Yale Faculty
Congratulations to Rakesh Mohan, who has been appointed professor in the practice of international economics and finance at the School of Management and senior fellow in the Jackson Institute for Global Affairs. Rakesh has served as India's finance minister and deputy governor of India's central…
March 24, 2010
Martin Rubin on ‘Mrs. Adams in Winter’
Mrs. Adams in Winter: A Journey in the Last Days of Napoleon By Michael O'Brien Farrar, Straus & Giroux, $27 384 pages, illustrated Reviewed by Martin Rubin in The Washington Times, Mar. 19, 2010 This enthralling, vividly written book tells the story of an amazing journey in extraordinary…
March 19, 2010
Mitch Garner on the Vancouver Olympics
Mitch Garner and Ellen Keefe-Garner shared with us their blog reports on the Vancouver Olympics: 2010 Winter Olympics Vancouver, Canada February 12-28, 2010 by Ellen M. Keefe-Garner, Vice President – Legal, Ann Arbor Figure Skating Club and Mitchell E. Garner Central Region Director, Road…
March 4, 2010
Celebrating Yale Women Conference, Mar. 26-28
Hope to see many classmates at the AYA's Celebrating Yale Women conference at Yale, March 26-28. Speakers include our own Margaret Warner, PBS NewsHour on-air anchor, and Karen Lawrence, president of Sarah Lawrence College: Celebrating Yale Women: 40 years in Yale College, 140 years at Yale…
March 2, 2010
Martin Rubin on Isaiah Berlin Letters
Isaiah Berlin ENLIGHTENING LETTERS 1946-60 Edited by Henry Hardy and Jennifer Holmes. Trafalgar Square. 845pp. $50. Illustrated. By Martin Rubin, The Washington Times, Feb. 26, 2010 More than a decade since Sir Isaiah Berlin died aged 88 in Oxford, loaded with honors and distinctions academic and…
February 26, 2010
Eileen Shim is Henry Scholar for 2009-2010
Congratulations to the winner of the William A. Henry III '71 Scholarship for this academic year. Gail Henry recently received a letter from Carol Hobbs, Yale's Recording Secretary, announcing the award. Carol's letter includes this bio of Ji Hye (Eileen) Shim: I am pleased today to introduce one…
February 15, 2010
The Way We Were, June 1971
Chrissy Citron sent in a clipping from the Yale Daily News Commencement Issue, June 1971. Click below to read Mally Cox's story "First Women Graduate," with quotes from Chrissy, Kathy Bennett (not Cathy, as the article has it), and Jane Hunter (posted with permission of Yale Daily News). 1971…
February 11, 2010
Calvin Hill Day Care Center Newsletter Winter 2010
The Winter 2010 issue of The Calvin Hilltop, newsletter of the Calvin Hill Day Care Center, is now available on the center's site---click the link below and scroll down. Featured is an article on the Calvin Hill DCC community's support for earthquake relief in Haiti: Calvin Hill Day Care Center…
February 1, 2010
Rubin on ‘FDR’s Deadly Secret’
The Washington Times January 11, 2010 FDR'S DEADLY SECRET By Steven Lomazow, M.D. and Eric Fettman Public Affairs, $25.95, 259 pages, illus. Book Review: When the president takes ill By Martin Rubin The story of just how ill Franklin Delano Roosevelt was during his presidency---and especially…
January 12, 2010
Friends of Boat Macmurdo Seek Our Help in Honoring Him at LSU
One of Boat Macmurdo's great friends writes to seek our help in a project to name a classroom at LSU Law Center in Boat's honor: You may remember me from the May, 2007 Memorial Service for Bruce Macmurdo at the Yale Club. It has now been over two years since we lost Bruce Macmurdo. He was my best…
January 6, 2010