Alumni in the News
Harry Bear Honored
Congratulations to Harry Bear, honored for cancer research at a ceremony earlier this May; the profile below includes an update on his family as well: Harry D. Bear, M.D., Ph.D., Chairman of the Division of Surgical Oncology and Medical Director of the Breast Health Center at Virginia…
May 18, 2009
Amy Koenig Named Henry Scholar
In April, Carol Hobbs of the Yale development office wrote to Gail Henry about Amy Koenig '09, whose studies at Yale are supported through the William A. Henry III '71 Scholarship Fund. A portion of Carol's letter follows: At this time, I am delighted to tell you about Amy Koenig, of the Class of…
May 12, 2009
Roz Meyer, Don Nakanishi Awarded Yale Medal
Congratulations to Roz Milstein Meyer and Don T. Nakanishi, two of five alumni receiving the Yale Medal for 2008. The AYA citations read: Roslyn Milstein Meyer's dedication extends to many areas of the University and the surrounding community. Dr. Meyer (Class of 1971, 1973 MS, 1977 PhD) is a…
September 17, 2008
Jim Rothman to Chair Yale Department
Congratulations to Jim Rothman, who's just been named to head the Yale School of Medicine's department of cell biology. He'll also head the new Yale Center for High-Throughput Cell Biology, an interdisciplinary institute being established at the West Campus, the former Bayer site acquired by the…
June 7, 2008
Mitch Garner Elected
Congratulations to Mitch Garner, elected to the National Board of Directors of the Road Runners Club of America, the governing body for running clubs and road racing in the United States, at the RRCA's annual meeting on May 2 in Cincinnati, Ohio. For details click here and here.
May 13, 2008
Weise Award
Congratulations to Steve Weise, who's recently received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Business Law Section of the California State Bar. The Section's profile of Steve notes: "Steve is a nationally recognized expert in all areas of commercial law. He is a member of the Permanent Editorial…
March 23, 2008
Strom Named Vice Dean
Below, forwarded by Harry Levitt, is an announcement from the School of Medicine at University of Pennsylvania about Brian Strom's new roles as Vice Dean and Senior Advisor to the Provost: November 30, 2007 We are delighted to announce that Brian Strom, M.D., M.P.H., George S. Pepper Professor of…
January 8, 2008
Honor for Scott Atlas
Harry Levitt forwards a press release on the 21st Leon Jaworski Community Service Award to be conferred on Scott Atlas by the Houston Bar Association Auxiliary this coming March: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 7, 2007 Contact: Sandy Norris 713.827.0442; swnorris at comcast dot net HOUSTON BAR…
January 8, 2008
Krasilovsky Film Honored
Alexis Krasilovsky writes (12/29/07): I'm proud to let classmates know that my 90-minute documentary Women Behind the Camera won the 2007 Spirit of Moondance Award for Best Documentary Feature. The film screened recently at the Plus CamerImage International Film Festival of the Art of…
December 30, 2007
Blue Leadership Ball Nov. 16
Andy Sherman writes (10/22/07): On FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, at the Blue Leadership Ball the day before the Yale-Harvard game, Jim McNerney and Kurt Schmoke will receive the George H.W. Bush Lifetime Leadership Award. This award honors alumni athletes who, in their lives after Yale, have made…
October 27, 2007