Alumni in the News
Vera Wells AYA Yale Medal
Kathy Murphy writes (10/2/07): Our classmate Vera Wells is receiving the Yale Medal in November. The Yale Medal is awarded at a dinner on the Thursday night before the Harvard Game, in connection with the Fall AYA meeting. Glenn and I will attend---the AYA website,, has information…
October 4, 2007
Alexis Krasilovsky Film
Alexis Krasilovsky writes (7/21/07): I'm excited to invite you to see my new feature film, "Women Behind the Camera."The World Premiere will be at the…
July 22, 2007
Jim Kaplan Tour July 4
Bob Shapiro writes:If you haven't been to one of Jim Kaplan's walking tours, you're missing a treat! Spend a Class of ' 71 4th!Watch Alice Young on Channel 13 at 9, and then head on downtown for Jim's middle of the night walking tour. [SEE NY POST ARTICLE below; starts at 2 a.m. at Trinity Church,…
July 2, 2007
Alice Young on PBS July 3
Alice Young writes: PBS (WNET13 in the NYC area) is airing a fascinating behind-the-scenes documentary about China's rural courts, with a short interview of me afterwards about China's economic growth. Please watch July 3 at 9:00 pm (check local listings at ); I am not a professional…
July 2, 2007
Cross-Country Race
Mitch Garner reports, "On February 10, 2007, fellow Ann Arbor Track Club member J.D. Pepper and I competed on behalf of the AATC in the men's masters race at the 2007 United…
May 11, 2007