Nancy Stratford ’77 sent some details about a new organization for Yale alumnae:
YaleWomen is a new initiative for all Yale alumnae. This alumnae organization is inclusive of all women graduates of the college and graduate and professional schools. YaleWomen began in response to the very successful March 2010 conference on campus which was a Celebration of 40 years of Undergraduate Women at Yale and 140 years of graduate/professional school women at Yale. The response to this conference demonstrated that Yale women want to connect with other Yale alumnae for many reasons.
We are a grass roots organization that is growing in the major metropolitan areas. There are activities that have taken place and are underway in the major metropolitan areas including Boston, New York, Chicago, San Francisco,and Los Angeles. We are growing rapidly as awareness spreads and our organization has members of all ages and interests. We just held a strategic planning retreat in New York, and Yale women representing a range of ages from all around the country attended to begin the process of shaping a direction for the organization.
For more information, email Nancy at nstratford [at] nyc [dot] rr [dot] com.