The Washington Times
January 11, 2010

By Steven Lomazow, M.D. and Eric Fettman
Public Affairs, $25.95, 259 pages, illus.

Book Review: When the president takes ill
By Martin Rubin

The story of just how ill Franklin Delano Roosevelt was during his presidency—and especially in its final year—is not a new one. Not only was the full extent of his disability from polio not known to most people, but it was revealed two decades after his death in 1945 that he had in fact already been desperately, terminally ill with heart failure when he ran for that unprecedented fourth term in 1944. Now along comes this book claiming that even the story of coronary disease was a cover of sorts: that FDR was actually dying of cancer, specifically a malignant melanoma which had metastasized to his abdomen and brain, in addition to heart disease. . . .

For Martin’s full review, click here or visit