Thanks to all speakers, attendees, and program organizers for a fascinating and memorable virtual reunion.  To access the content for each session, click the link below the session description.

Saturday, May 1, 2021  |  4:00 pm ET

“Hot Zone: Perspectives on the Pandemic”

Moderator: Richard Skolnik, MPA (BR) — Author, Global Health 101; Instructor for Yale Coursera course “Essentials of Global Health”; former Director for Health and Education for South Asia Region at World Bank


James Rothman, PhD (BR) — Sterling Professor of Cell Biology and Chair of the Department of Cell Biology, Yale School of Medicine; Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2013; former Vice Chairman, Sloan Kettering Institute for Cancer Research

Dori Zaleznik, MD (BK) — Retired (all positions); Infectious Diseases Specialist; Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; bacterial vaccine research, Channing Laboratory; Hospital Epidemiologist; developer of Infectious Diseases section UptoDateTM, Commissioner of Health & Human Services, Newton, MA

Andrew Wiesenthal, MD (SM) — Pediatric Infectious Diseases Specialist; Managing Director, Life Sciences and Health Care, Deloitte Consulting LLP; former Associate Executive Director, Permanente Federation; served on the Federal Health Information Technology Standards Committee and co-chaired its Precision Medicine Task Force.

Sten Vermund, MD, PhD — Dean and Anna M. R. Lauder Professor of Public Health, Yale School of Public Health; Professor of Pediatrics, Yale School of Medicine; infectious disease epidemiologist and pediatrician

Speaker slides

Zoom recording

Sunday, May 2, 2021  |  4:00 pm ET

“Public Service: Off of the Pedestal and into the Crosshairs”

Moderator: Alan Yuspeh, JD, MBA (PC) — former SVP, Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer HCA Healthcare 24 years in Washington, DC in senior staff positions in the US. Senate, as a law firm partner, and as a consultant with McKinsey & Co.


Hugh Auchincloss, MA, MD (TR) — Principal Deputy Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH; transplant surgeon and former Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School; former Director, Mass General Hospital Laboratory in Transplantation Immunology

Robert Cottrol, PhD, JD (TD) — Harold Paul Green Research Professor of Law and Professor of History and Sociology, George Washington University; student of American and Comparative Legal History; career reserve officer, U.S. military

James Donchess, LLB (JE) — Mayor, Nashua NH (named best place to live in America by Money Magazine); former plaintiff attorney, focused on sexual harassment and employment discrimination

Bil (“Snake”) Johnson (MC) — career public school teacher; teacher-educator; progressive school reform advocate; charter school founder; Author, Right Time, Right Places

Zoom recording

Saturday, May 8, 2010  |  2:00 pm ET

“Class Survey Highlights:  Picturing the Class — Reflections on the Journey”

Moderator: Tim Powell, MBA (BR) — President, The Knowledge Agency; thought leader and organizational catalyst in knowledge and intelligence strategy and economics; author, The Value of Knowledge: the Economics of Enterprise Knowledge and Intelligence; Senior Fellow, The Conference Board; former management positions at Opinion Research Corporation, KPMG, and PwC; publisher,

Presenter: Richard Cech, MA, JD, SBE (MC) — Federal large bank supervisor (New York Fed), former investment banker; operational risk consultant; long-time JP Morgan Employee; photographer, lecturer and natural historian; author and photographer. Butterflies of the East Coast (Princeton Univ. Press); curatorial entomology affiliate at Yale Peabody Museum; past president of Linnaean Society of NY

Classbook excerpt

Speaker slides

Zoom recording

Saturday, May 8, 2021  |  4:00 pm ET

“Roads Less Taken”

Moderator: Karen Lawrence, PhD (DC) — President, Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens; former President, Sarah Lawrence College; former Dean, School of Humanities at the University of California, Irvine (UCI); James Joyce scholar; Board Member National Humanities Center


Alex Harris (DC) — photographer; Duke University Professor Emeritus; founder, Duke University Center for Documentary Studies and Double Take Magazine; author, The Idea of Cuba, and co-author: River of Traps: A New Mexico Mountain Life

John Lissauer (MC) — composer and arranger for film, TV, animations, albums; inductee, Grammy Hall of Fame for Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah”; recipient a Canadian Academy Award (best score) and a Clio Award “Campaign of the Decade” (James Garner Polaroid Campaign)

Billie Tsien, MA (PC) — Partner Tod Williams Billie Tsien Architects; selected projects include the Barnes Foundation, Asia Society Hong Kong and the Obama Presidential Center; winner of the Presidential Medal of the Arts and the Praemium Imperiale; President of the American Academy of Arts and Letters

Zoom recording

Sunday, May 9, 2010  |  11:00 – 11:30 am ET (musical prelude at 10:55 am)

Service of Remembrance

This special multimedia service of thanksgiving, poetry, scripture, music, and photography will honor and celebrate the 150 members of our class who have died since we entered Yale.  Please join us and help spread the word to family members of those who have died with whom you are in touch by forwarding the Zoom invitation when you receive it.

Officiant: The Rev. Bliss Williams Browne, MDiv, MM (DC) — Episcopal Priest, former banking executive, founder and President of Imagine Chicago (the inspiration for a global movement of
social innovation); author, Ten Years of Imagination in Action and Women Alive: A Legacy of Social Justice

Participants: Preston Athey (SM), Robert Bruner (SY), Anne Ghory-Goodman (BK), Mike Kline (DC), Elwyn Lee, (SY) Kurt Schmoke (DC), Barbara Twigg (DC), and Jeremy Stone (MC).

Session recording

Sunday, May 9, 2010  |  4:00 pm ET

“Climate Change: Realities, Risks, Opportunities”

Moderator: Frances Beinecke, MS, LLD (Hon) (ES) — career environmental activist; former President National Resources Defense Council; Member, Advisory Board MIT Energy Initiative; former service as Fellow, Yale Corporation, Co-chair, Leadership Council, Yale School of the Environment


John Aber, PhD (BK) — University Professor of Environmental Sciences, former VP of Research and Provost, University of New Hampshire; recipient of Yale’s Wilbur Cross Medal for achievements in scholarship, teaching, and service, author of Terrestrial Ecosystems and The Sustainable Learning Community

Anthony Leiserowitz, PhD, Senior Research Scientist, Yale School of the Environment; Director, Yale Program on Climate Change Communication (YPCCC)

Walt Mintkeski, MS (PC) — Environmental Engineer, energy efficiency consultant; volunteer citizen activist for The Sierra Club, Oregon League of Conservation Voters, Johnson Creek Watershed Council, The Nature Conservancy in Oregon, and Citizens Climate Lobby; Lifetime Conservation Achievement Award from The Nature Conservancy (2011).

Merideth Wright, JD (BR) — Founding judge of Vermont Environmental Court (1990-2011), former environmental lawyer; writer, speaker, and international consultant on environmental and judicial topics associated with the Environmental Law Institute as Distinguished Judicial Scholar

Speaker slides

Zoom recording