Walt Mintkeski writes (12/23/07):

Younger son Charlie and his partner Rachael (both 26) left December 6, 2006 for a 3 month adventure in New Zealand. We visited them for 2 weeks in February, arriving in Christchurch on Valentine’s Day, when they announced to us their engagement! At the end of March, they returned to Portland, moved to Missoula, Montana, and began planning their wedding for September 15 in Crested Butte, Colorado, near Rachael’s home town of Paonia. The small wedding was held outdoors in a beautiful meadow overlooking the West Elk Mountains.

At the conclusion of the ceremony, hail and rain fell for about 3 minutes, after which a magnificent double rainbow appeared. Everyone took photos of the couple centered under the multi colored arches. What a fantastic and auspicious beginning to a life together!

[Click the thumbnail image below to see the photo]

Walt Mintkeski family wedding 2007 0915