As many readers know, our dear friend and classmate Bob Shapiro (TC) passed away on May 27. Although quite a few classmates were able to attend his funeral, the Class Council agreed that it would be appropriate to hold a class memorial service for Bob who played such an important role in the life of our class — he co-founded the monthly class table at the NY Yale Club, led our efforts to support the Calvin Hill Day Care Center, and was active in the life of the Slifka Center.

Catherine Ross writes with details on the service:

Dear Classmates:

I am writing to confirm the date for the Shapiro Memorial: Sunday Nov. 16 at the Yale Club in NY. This is the same weekend as the AYA events and Princeton game in New Haven, so those of you who are travelling some distance can combine these events.

The doors will open Sunday morning at 10, with formalities beginning at 10:30. The memorial will be followed by a lunch, and should adjourn by around 2 or 2:30, though the room will be ours until 3:30. I hope this helps you book your travel arrangements. We will of course have to charge for lunch. The exact amount of the charge will follow, but will be in the range of $55 to $60 pp which will also cover the cost of the room, and lunch for Bob’s immediate family who will be our guests. Bob’s wife Connie is extremely appreciative and moved that we are doing this.

I will be writing separately to those who have volunteered to help. I am indebted to Mitch Garner for generously sharing his wisdom and files with me. We will need help with contacting classmates and those who know Bob from other Yale activities, as well as in contacting people who we hope will speak. There will be an open mike for people to share their memories and thoughts, but it would be good to have some people prepare comments in advance to get things going. We will also hope to raise some money for Bob’s special projects at Yale, so you can volunteer for that work as well. If you are not on my list and want to help, please let me know. [NB: Catherine can be reached at cjross27 “at” gmail “dot” com.]

I hope you are all seizing the joys of summer.

Best, Catherine

For more, including details on block reservations at the Yale Club, visit the In Memoriam page (must be logged in to view).