“James E. Rothman has plenty to say about life in science — and plenty to show for it, including a 2013 Nobel Prize. Now’s your chance to ask what he thinks, wherever in the world you are. The acclaimed cell biologist is scheduled to appear Tuesday, April 1 on @YaleLive, the university’s monthly live interview program.
“Viewers may submit questions before and during the broadcast via Yale’s Facebook page, Twitter@Yale, and The program broadcasts at noon EDT on the university’s YouTube channel.”
As you know, our classmate Jim, who chairs Yale’s Department of Cell Biology, won a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine last year for his work on, as the Nobel press announcement put it, “the exquisitely precise control system for the transport and delivery of cellular cargo” by means of tiny bubbles called vesicles. Jim is, among other things, a wonderful speaker, and it should be a lively and fun program.