Jim Kaplan invites us to join him Oct. 24 at 1 pm for a Lower-Manhattan historical tour that traces Wall Street’s quests for riches and even goes back to that pre-Wall Street entrepreneur, Henry Hudson, who sailed into New York harbor 400 years ago this September:

The Great Crashes of Wall Street October 24, 1 pm. Sponsored by the Museum of American Finance. Tickets ($15): click here or visit www.moaf.org.

Jim writes:

Richard M. Warshauer and I have given this tour for the past 20 years (since the 1987 Crash). We  discuss the vagaries and vicissitudes of Wall Street as well as its history from its founding by the Dutch. This year I expect to cover more extensively than in the past Henry Hudson in honor of the 400th Anniversary of his discovery of New York. I have recently done more research on Hudson who I now view as the archetypal driven corporate entrepreneur and a harbinger of things to come. See my article in the most recent issue of Last Exit Magazine [or visit lastexitmag.com].