Featured News (Slider)
Kaplan’s History of Wall Street Dazzles
I've always been in awe of the number of Yale '71ers who have achieved significant accomplishments in fields in addition to the ones in which they are best-known professionally. Jim Kaplan, for example, is a mild-mannered trust-and-estates lawyer by day -- and a passionate chronicler of New York…
June 9, 2022
1971 Whiffenpoofs – Virtual Time Travel Concert
Jeff Fortgang writes: Recognizing that the Class of 1971 50th Reunion has necessarily become an exercise in extreme social distancing, and in place of the class dinner concert we have given at every reunion thus far, the ’71 Whiffenpoofs offer you a virtual concert of two videos (Maggie Blues and…
May 1, 2021
Virtual Reunion Program Schedule and Content Links
Thanks to all speakers, attendees, and program organizers for a fascinating and memorable virtual reunion. To access the content for each session, click the link below the session description. Saturday, May 1, 2021 | 4:00 pm ET “Hot Zone: Perspectives on the Pandemic” Moderator: Richard…
March 16, 2021