Creative Works

Kapor Publishes “Closing the Equity Gap”

CLOSING THE EQUITY GAP Creating Wealth and Fostering Justice in Startup Investing By Freada Kapor Klein and Mitch Kapor Filled with “inspiring example of responsible capitalism.” – Kirkus Included in the Next Big Idea Club’s list of March Books to Watch Companies backed by venture capital account…

Kaplan’s History of Wall Street Dazzles

I've always been in awe of the number of Yale '71ers who have achieved significant accomplishments in fields in addition to the ones in which they are best-known professionally.  Jim Kaplan, for example, is a mild-mannered trust-and-estates lawyer by day -- and a passionate chronicler of New York…

“On My Graduation from Yale” by Mitch Garner

On our recent Class Zoom, Mitch was kind enough to share this poem he wrote a half-century ago on our graduation day:   On My Graduation from Yale Here we stand, the relay of youth, Passed to a world we learned to know Like tender flow’rs of pristine Truth, Brilliant in their scholarly glow.…

A First Look at How We Changed

"We moved on from whatever we had been; we studied, hitched up, and bred; we pursued more than one career; we polarized; and we retired South and West."  So opens this fascinating essay -- excerpted from our upcoming Classbook -- by Class demographer Rick Cech, the principal researcher for our 50th…

1971 Whiffenpoofs – Virtual Time Travel Concert

Jeff Fortgang writes: Recognizing that the Class of 1971 50th Reunion has necessarily become an exercise in extreme social distancing, and in place of the class dinner concert we have given at every reunion thus far, the ’71 Whiffenpoofs offer you a virtual concert of two videos (Maggie Blues and… Version 4 Goes Live

We're pleased to announce the launch today of Version 4 of  This is built on the same BuddyPress technology we've been using, and contains all of the content of the previous versions. This version includes the following many upgrades and enhancements, including: Shift to an all-private…

Paul Angiolillo Sculpture Shows

Paul Angiolillo's work is being shown in many New England venues this summer. He writes: ​Dear art ​aficionados, ​ Hi. ​I'​​m ​participating in ​five​ ​outdoor sculpture ​exhibits ​​this summer and fall​​. There's a​ garden​ ​park​ and ​​​museum ​in Sandwich ​on Cape Cod (​​Heritage Garden​s​ &…

Jim Meehan and Yale Symphony in Carnegie Debut – Thursday April 21

Classmate Jim Meehan writes: I don't know whether you've been following the events surrounding the 50th Anniversary of the Yale Symphony Orchestra, but I wanted to point out the final event, coming up soon. There will be a concert on April 16th in Woolsey Hall, with a second performance on April…