Class Events

RSVP for Bob Shapiro Memorial Nov. 16

Andy Sherman asks anyone planning to attend the Nov. 16 memorial service for Bob Shapiro at the NYC Yale Club to do two things: 1) RSVP soonest (reply form is below) if you haven't already, and 2) Let Catherine Ross (cjross27[at] know you're coming, so Catherine can get an accurate…

You’re Invited! Yale Medal Dinner Nov. 14

UPDATED Oct. 21 (see new reservation details below): This year, the class of 1971 is honored by having not one, but two, Yale Medal recipients among our ranks: ROSLYN MILSTEIN MEYER and DON T. NAKANISHI. If you would like to join us in New Haven on Friday, November 14 to celebrate their many…

Memorial for Bob Shapiro Nov. 16 at NYC Yale Club

As many readers know, our dear friend and classmate Bob Shapiro (TC) passed away on May 27. Although quite a few classmates were able to attend his funeral, the Class Council agreed that it would be appropriate to hold a class memorial service for Bob who played such an important role in the life…

Photos: Jim Kaplan NYC July 4 Walking Tour

Classmates, enjoy Jim Kaplan's 2008 pre-dawn walking tour of historical sites in lower Manhattan, courtesy of Rick Cech's atmospheric photos (must be logged in to view): click here for the photo gallery click here for Jim's Wall Street Journal article on this annual event

Next NYC ’71 Class Lunch September 12

The next Robert I. Shapiro Memorial Lunch will be held at the New York City Yale Club on Friday, September 12, 2008 at 12:30 pm. Further instructions will follow. No Class lunch in August. See you in September!

Kim Barkan: Thoughts of a Five Year B.A. Grad

I write to note that I was in the 5 Year B.A. class of '69-'70, and took that time to work on an agricultural scheme in the Copper Belt, growing vegetables for a truck farming project for a variety of different small farmers brought from hither and yon in Zambia, and then, for six months, to teach…

Jim Kaplan’s July 4 Walking Tour of Lower Manhattan

Jim Kaplan writes in the July 1 Wall Street Journal: Early American History: My 2 a.m. Walking Tour By JAMES S. KAPLAN NEW YORK---While many of you are snug in your beds in the wee hours of July 4, dreaming, perhaps, of your day to come at the beach, the golf club, or your home barbecue, I will be…

NYC Class Lunch Fri. July 11

The monthly class lunches in NYC have been named in honor of our classmate Bob Shapiro. Jim Kaplan and Bill Primps write: The Robert I. Shapiro Memorial Lunch of the Yale Class of 1971 at the Yale Club of New York will be held in the Tap Room on Friday, July 11, 2008 at 12:30 pm. Please contact…

Lots of Pictures! from 6/13 NY Class Table

[singlepic=47,256,192,,left]The June 13 class lunch at the Yale Club of NYC was a special occasion as we mourned the loss of Bob Shapiro, co-founder and prime mover of the '71 lunch table tradition here in New York, and shared our fond memories of happy times in his company. Thirteen people…

NYC Class Table Fri. June 13

The Yale Class of 1971 monthly lunch at the Yale Club will be held in the Tap Room on Friday, June 13, 2008 at 12:30 pm. This month's lunch will be dedicated to our recently deceased classmate and founder of the lunch tradition, Robert I. Shapiro. To RSVP: Please contact Jim Kaplan or Bill…