Class Events
5Oth Reunion | June 9-12, 2022 | New Haven
Fellow 1971 Classmates - We write with the good news that (barring unforeseen circumstances) we will convene in New Haven June 9-12 for what is now actually our 51st reunion! Reunion headquarters for the Class of 1971 is Davenport College. Information on registration and attendance requirements…
March 22, 2022
Yale 1971 Reunion Gift Sets High Mark
Our 1971 Class gift agents write: Our Class made history fifty years ago as the first coeducation Class in Yale College, and today we announce the legacy we have created in honor of our 50th Reunion. When we began this campaign, we set our sights on raising $9 million in honor of our 50th Reunion.…
July 29, 2021
50th Reunion Set for June 9-12, 2022 in New Haven
Andy Kaufman writes this most-welcome note: Dear Classmates, Yale has announced that our in-person, on-campus 50th Reunion will be held on June 9-12, 2022 in Davenport College. Please note that hotel reservation blocks at advantageous rates will open on Wednesday, November 3rd at noon ET. Click…
July 28, 2021
“On My Graduation from Yale” by Mitch Garner
On our recent Class Zoom, Mitch was kind enough to share this poem he wrote a half-century ago on our graduation day: On My Graduation from Yale Here we stand, the relay of youth, Passed to a world we learned to know Like tender flow’rs of pristine Truth, Brilliant in their scholarly glow.…
June 21, 2021
A First Look at How We Changed
"We moved on from whatever we had been; we studied, hitched up, and bred; we pursued more than one career; we polarized; and we retired South and West." So opens this fascinating essay -- excerpted from our upcoming Classbook -- by Class demographer Rick Cech, the principal researcher for our 50th…
May 8, 2021
1971 Whiffenpoofs – Virtual Time Travel Concert
Jeff Fortgang writes: Recognizing that the Class of 1971 50th Reunion has necessarily become an exercise in extreme social distancing, and in place of the class dinner concert we have given at every reunion thus far, the ’71 Whiffenpoofs offer you a virtual concert of two videos (Maggie Blues and…
May 1, 2021
Three Big Reasons to Attend the Yale ’71 Reunion
Bob Bruner writes: Two years ago, Lupi Robinson and I agreed to co-chair the 50th reunion of our class. We wanted to give something back to classmates who had made our time at Yale so rich, to honor our shared experience, and to discover who we all are today. The value of such ends seems obvious…
April 12, 2021
Virtual Reunion Program Schedule and Content Links
Thanks to all speakers, attendees, and program organizers for a fascinating and memorable virtual reunion. To access the content for each session, click the link below the session description. Saturday, May 1, 2021 | 4:00 pm ET “Hot Zone: Perspectives on the Pandemic” Moderator: Richard…
March 16, 2021
Call for Class Officer Nominations
Dear Classmates: Every five years, at the time of reunions, Yale College Classes may decide to elect new Class officers if they so choose. Nominations and elections are conducted by email in advance of the reunion so that all classmates may participate in the election process whether or not they…
March 15, 2021