Martin Rubin reviews Philip Roth’s new novel in the Sept. 30 Washington Times:


By Philip Roth

Houghton Mifflin, $26, 292 pages


So Nathan Zuckerman is back. Philip Roth has once more brought that particular alter ego to us, apparently for the final time. But the title “Exit Ghost,” with its reference to “Hamlet,” is a little misleading, for Zuckerman in this novel is no ghost but a fully flesh-and-blood character as full of salt and vinegar as ever, battered by physical and emotional demons but definitely not extinguished by them. He is identifiably the Philip Roth we have come to know in recent years, withdrawn from public life but still famous and, crucially, turning out novel after novel, one more splendid than the other….

For the full review, click here

—Posted by Katherine Hyde