Reunion Co-Chairs Jean Brenner and Ken Freeman write: One highlight of our upcoming reunion weekend will be the presentation of results from our Class Survey—”Our Class: 45 Years Later”—to let us better understand our backgrounds in coming to Yale, our years in New Haven, our lives and experiences since graduation, and even to cast a glance ahead as we head for the next chapter in our lives. We think you’ll find the survey fascinating and fun. Its creators, classmates Rick Cech and Barbara Blaine, have invested a tremendous amount of time on its development, and the analysis will be an even greater initiative. To ease any concerns, Rick and Barbara understand the importance of total confidentiality. The survey does not ask for names or any other personally identifying information, and the on-line tool we’re using is trusted for anonymity. There will be no way for anyone to know who sent which responses. The most important ingredient in making this survey succeed is YOUR participation. The more participants, the more insights we will have — and the more fun. In the first two days alone, we’ve received responses from more than 20% of those getting the email. So PLEASE click the link below to take the survey. There are some open-ended questions, so try to allow at least 30 minutes to complete. Please don’t just put this aside and forget about it. Rick and Barbara need your responses by Sunday March 20 in order to have appropriate time for analysis and creation of a presentation that will keep you on the edge of your seats. Even if you can’t join us in New Haven, please complete the survey. We will publish the results online (with password protection) after the reunion. Thanks in advance for providing the grist for this fascinating analytical mill. Jean Ken P.S.: The survey is just one of the many highlights of the reunion. Others include:
UPDATE 3/21 Rick Cech writes that we received responses from about 40% of those who received our email. “I’d like to thank the class for a terrific response, submissions were thoughtful and fun. Barbara and I are looking forward to preparing our overview for June.” |