When Nazis and Islamic extremists bonded
By Martin Rubin
February 24, 2008 (Washington Times)

By Matthias Kuntzel
Telos Press Publishing, $29.95, 180 pages

Matthias Kuntzel (book cover)This brief but important book begins with an all too familiar image: “[T]he skyscrapers turning into huge burning torches and falling hither and thither, and the reflection of the disintegrating city in the dark sky.” The skyscrapers are Manhattan’s, but it is not September 11, 2001. Adolf Hitler is salivating over his plan to use suicide bombers to attack the United States, as reported by Albert Speer, who confided to his diaries that:

“In the latter stages of the war, I never saw Hitler so beside himself as when, as if in a delirium, he was picturing to himself and to us the downfall of New York in towers of flame.”

As German historian Matthias Kuntzel tells us, the fuhrer was planning such an attack: “Not only Hitler’s fantasy but also his plan for realising it, recall what happened in 2001: the idea was for Kamikaze pilots to fly explosive-crammed light aircarft lacking landing gear into the Manhattan skyscrapers.

“The drawings for the Daimler-Benz “Amerikabomber” from spring 1944 actually exist . . . .”

For Martin’s full review, click here or visit www.washingtontimes.com.