Walt Mintkeski writes (12/19/10):

Dear Friends,

As I reflect on 2010, it has been a rough year in terms of the World’s economic problems, ongoing conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Gulf oil spill, and slow progress on addressing climate change. These issues impact my efforts to restore and protect Oregon’s environmental quality.

Yet the Mintkeskis have much to make us thankful this year.  Vicki and I are both healthy and happy.  We enjoyed a 2 week escape to Maui in January, a week of exercise, meditation, and yoga in Palm Springs during February, a 3 week trip to Botswana and Cape Town, South Africa in April, and a 4 day summer backpack in the Wallowa Mountains with llamas carrying our gear.

We also enjoyed visiting our children and grandchildren.  Lucia Blue Mintkeski arrived on October 8 to join her brother, Toby (2½), and her parents, Tyler and Maureen, in Seattle.  And what a joy to have Toby calling us Grandpa and Grandma and speaking to us in complete sentences!  We travelled twice to see (younger son) Charlie and Rachael in Missoula, Montana where they are enjoying remodeling their first house purchased in September.

Vicki stays busy with painting and teaching watercolor, tending her two chickens, visiting friends, and walking and exercising daily.

I am still working part time for Energy Trust of Oregon (doing energy efficiency for water and wastewater treatment plants), volunteering for environmental organizations, commuting on my bicycle, and racing my one person Laser sailboat.  I decided to take my game up a notch by attending a racing clinic and regatta in the windy Columbia Gorge.  I have never gone faster in my Laser or experienced more bruises and sore muscles!  In October I enjoyed a more relaxing 5 day sail on a friend’s 40 foot boat through the Washington San Juan Island to Victoria, British Columbia.

So, that is our news.  Vicki and I look forward to hearing from you and would love to have you visit us in Portland.  Keep in touch, and best wishes for the Holidays.

Mintkeski Family Thanksgiving 2010